Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Children day (Unhappy)

Children Day 2008 (P5)

Last week is children's day. All of us come to school as usual. During recess time,my teacher performed on stage.

I enjoyed the concert the teachers and students put up last week.

Our teacher, Mrs Azhar, acted as the mother!

Thanks Mrs Azhar! for the goodies and gifts!

The following Wednesday, which was the actual day itself and a public holiday.

I stayed at home and do some revision for the exam.

This is porbably the second last Children Day's i enjoyed !!!!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

P5 Camp

"noo!!!"i screamed as my mummy brought me to school that most hated morning.I was going to a p5 camp.I hate every thing there(execpt the people there).The climbing when i cannot look down,as i got up there,i felt an immense achievement (not to say an immense instant nausea feeling).As i got up the next day,i saw a friend hugging the person next to me which made me go green in the face.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Racial harmony day

on racial harmoney day, it is very bad. I will never do it again

Friday, July 18, 2008

National Day Parade 2008

I did enjoy myself at the national parade. Although it was hot and sunny. I like the Black Knight screaming down the crowd. Is fun this time as I attended the NDP with my buddies. This year's song is "shine for Singapore" by Hady Mirza I think it does not go well with the words 'ndp08'. I reached school at about 11pm. My poor dad and mom is waiting at the gate for me.

Friday, July 11, 2008


yellow everybody,

Today, I am going to talk about spicies .

.Self-Discipline means doing homework without teacher telling .

.Passion for learning means learning.

.Integrity means being honest.

.Courage means having nothing but erm courage.

. Excellence means striving for the best .

. Sincerity means being jeneiune and real .

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Cyber Netiquette

Yellow everybody,

I would like to talk to you about Cyber Netiquette or Internet Etiquette.
This Etiquette is about internet courtesy. All rules of Internet courtesy are known as Netiquette.

ALWAYS REMEMBER this Golden Message,

Display good manners and demonstrate mutual respect in Cyberspace.(cybershit)

Friday, May 2, 2008

Reflection 4:foot sold in our canteen.

Yes,I do eat in the school canteen. Because it is the only place the school allow.Stall 2 is my favourite because it sells all my favourite foods.I think they are healthy enought .(this is worse than interogation.)The prawn noodles are one of the healthy foods .I think it should be an air condition place.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Personal Response 3 :Handphone,Foot &Mouth Disease

It is hand foot and mouth Disease. The throat and tonsils develope ulcers while the hands,feet will develop rashes.It is not true that children can be affected by handphone and mouth disease but children below five years are suspectable.No,I do not know anyone with hmfd.

Friday, April 18, 2008


Reflection 3:frendship

It means helping a friend. I think we should have friends because they can help us when we get
into trouble. We can start helping one another. Yes, I think it is important for Singaporeans to be friendly with people of other countries. No, I did not enjoy myself during our school international Friendship Day. I did not come! I suggest a game of go -carting.