Wednesday, January 21, 2009

19/1/09 Tuesday

Today was the same as the days before, Hong Wei was scolded yet again (no offence). This was not so usual for Darren Chia who had vomitted on Gabriel and Arief .Gabriel said that he was okay but in reality ,he was not. During the break he went back home to change (probably, if i were him, i would have done the same). Gabriel said that Arief's bag was flooded with some gooey stuff (i would not say what it is, if not someone reading this post will be puking at their monitor right now).
Update you next time i have to go to the toliet now.......

Friday, January 16, 2009

start school later

Sleep experts say people who get insufficient sleep may appear to function normally,but their brains would not absorb and prosess or make desistions as well as those who have enough sleep.Insufficient can effect a child's physicalRemove Formatting from selection developement. it can also make the victim fat and cranky and lead to medical problems suchs as diabeties.American studies have found that even smart children can score better when school starts later .

We can start school at 8.00am and ends at 1.30pm. But the afternoon session children will go home a bit later at 6.30pm. Hopefully, next time we have a single session school.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

I First Day At School 2009

Noo.. my holidays were gone !!! 2nd Jan 2009 was my first day at school. Glad to see all my friends again. All of us are back to P6.6, very happy to find out that Ms Azhar is our form teacher again. Though I didn't do so well last year, I will try harder this year. Anyway, I have to as this is the last year.....our PSLE. As for my Chinese I am going for P6.3 class by HOD Chinese Mr. Koo. Nothing much I did for last school holidays except more revision by my parents. I think they mean good for me.