Friday, April 24, 2009

International Friendship Day

Hi Everyone, sorry, I had been posting late for all my posts because of preparation for math olympaid and SA1. Here is my post of International Friendship Day. For this year, the International Friendship Day focussed on friendship within ASEAN. Making friends among the countries of ASEAN is important as they are our closest neighbours.

One of the core historical events which all schools have to commemorate as part of their National Education programme is International Friendship Day.

Officially, the day of commemoration is 21 Sep 97. 21 Sep was chosen this year as International Friendship Day as it marks the day in 1965 when Singapore joined the United Nations as an independent, sovereign nation.

ASEAN stands for Association of South-East Asian Nations which consists of these countries: Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Philippines, Cambodia, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia and Singapore. Its aims include the acceleration of economic growth, social progress, cultural development among its members, the protection of the peace and stability of the region, and to provide opportunities for member countries to discuss differences peacefully.

Actually, I do not know much about ASEAN. I only visited their countries and hear news about them over the news channel.

The school organised an event on that day with an Angklung Ensemble performed a few tunes. I think the school should organised some food fair of Asean countries so that we know more about their culture. No I do not have any friends from the ASEAN countries. The school should invite more children from ASEAN countries to visit the school.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Learning Journey to Singapore Museum

On the 6th April, our class had a excursion to the Signapore National Museum. After taking our lunch,we boarded the school bus and headed to the museum. As soon as we reached the museum,we alighted from the bus and headed to the entrance of the winding staircase (inclined plane). The whole class, including the parents of Darren Chia and Victoria and our form teacher, Mrs Azhar.

This is the first fime I had been to the museum, so I was very excited. The museum was beautifully construted. At the entrance, the museum curator handed us a gizmo called The Companion. The Companion is a multimedia handheld device specially designed to guide you around the Singapore History Gallery. Each Companion comprise of an LCD display, a pair of earphones and a keypad which enables you to enjoy audio, visual and textual content which complement the National Museum's physical collection of artefacts. We were supposed to look at the numbers on the floor in each exhibits and press the number on the Companion so it could give us more information on it. You can read descriptions, listen to expert opinion and watch videos related to these artefacts by simply punching in the zone code you are in (located on the floor), followed by the numbers next to the artefacts.

We started to explore the museum with our new gizmo, starting with the Singapore History Gallary. One of the largest exhibits there was about the fall and rise of Singapore. The Second World War during the Japanese occupation. We spent about one hour there and returned The Companion to the reception.

Then we went to the Singapore Living Galleries - Film & Wayang. They were showing a Malay horror movie there. One of my classmates tried to act like the main character and he acted just like him.

We had a class photo taken before we left the museum. I find that the Singapore Museum is a great museum that remind us of our past and a very informative especially with The Companion. I would like to share this experience with my parents and hope they will bring me back for a revisit.

Here is a picture that I took during the visit. Hope you'll like it.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

healthy eating

Well my neighbour's house is lit up like a christmas tree. We have to eat in order to have the energy to perform our daily tasks and to enjoy the many things in this world.We have to eat vegetables (an edible table).Healthy eating means choosing a variety of foods from the basic food groups: meat and meat substitutes; dairy; fruits and vegetables; grains, such as breads and pasta; and a limited amount of fats and sweets. As simple as this sounds, it’s not always easy to get the nutrition you need. You may eat more of your favorite foods from only one food group, and as a result, get less of other food groups. Or perhaps you opt for convenience over quality when you are hungry.