Sunday, May 3, 2009

SA1 Oral Exam

Hi,I am back after the long preparation for SA1. I think Mrs Azhar will be mad at me as I am quite far back in updating my blog. I am going to post about my over due SA1 Oral Exam. I had my oral exam on 22nd April Wednesday. Actually it was supposed to be on Thursday but because of Maths Olympiad, Miss Rahimah had to change the date of our Oral Exam.

That day,after lunch,we lined up in the hall to be tested on oral. At first,I thought the examiner was Mrs Subra but it was Mr Muzaffar. While i was waiting, I did my homework. The picture was a bus stop with students littering, playing soccer and dashing across the road.I remembered to look into the teacher's eyes. The most difficiult part was the picture conservation. Mr Muz asked "Have you ever witnessed a accident?"I replied "No". I think that I did not do well as I mumbled a few words. I think that he was a bit angry with me. Let's hope I do well.

Next was Chinese. I had to wait for my turn be called. Then, the teacher called about ten of us to the corridor of the hall to wait for our turn. (Shawn was in front of me). We were taken to the space beside the spiral staircase which was where we sit and prepare to read the passage and describe the picture. My chinese teacher,Mr Koo,tested me for oral. The passage was difficult as I did not know most of the words. I have to pray that I pass my chinese.

Hope everyone in my class P6.6 strive hard for good result!!!GOOD LUCK!!!

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