Tuesday, July 28, 2009

racial harmony day

Last week was racial harmony day. For starters,we done henna art,watched some traditional wedding in Singapore featuring the teachers in my school. For the henna art,Hao Yu drew a cresent moon,Keng Swee drew some design on his hand,Vicent drew a ghost but he kinda hit the wall and smudge it so he got a next to useless doodle on his hand. I drew a smiley on my hand.
First,we watched the weddings which was about the funniest video we had watched featuring some teachers in the school. Next we watched a "very touching story" about an old lady and a couple. At first,I wondered if it was touching enough to make someone cry. After the video,I was convinced that it was boring enough to make me sleep.
Lastly,we went for a food fair which I did not attend,more interested in the punishment if i came in late for chinese lesson.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Happening in East Coast Park

The trip to East Coast was pretty fun espically when i went all over east coast and I got lost and went all over the place twice(maybe thrice).At first I was like the "traffic controller",telling who to go where and telling others to call Hao yu. After waiting for the rain to subside and for at least for Hao yu to come.I then got my bike,I paid six dollars, gave the people in charge my ez-link card and was free to go. I cycled very fast,a bit too fast and braked with my front brake.Luckily,I landed on my feet i am not too sure but the bike was not exactly in 1 piece.
After a while,I decided to go racing. At first,I went for a head on ram with Qing Wei and Jody. Newton's third Law or The Law of Reciprocal Action: Every action has an equal and opposite reaction or simply put,she teamed up with Qing Wei and tried to ram me. I braked and she overshoot,I then made U-turn and got out of there. After meeting up with Keng Swee and Hao Yu, we went to cycle around the park. On the way we bumped into some friends from 6.4. Needless to say Hao Yu did a 180 and we found ourselves all over the park.After the trip,I went to 7-11 and bought slurpees I can't remember the exact number but I think I bought 3 or 4. I then raced around the place racing here and there,went slight faster than most people.
When it was almost 12 noon, I returned my bike and walked off.
Ps. that "accident in the park" i think the people who were rammed down was 3 to 5

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Influenza A H1N1

Influenza A virus subtype H1N1, also known as A(H1N1), is a subtype of influenzavirus A and the most common cause of influenza (flu) in humans. Some strains of H1N1 are endemic in humans.Influenza A virus strains are categorized according to two proteins found on the surface of the virus: hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N). All influenza A viruses contain hemagglutinin and neuraminidase, but the structure of these proteins differs from strain to strain due to rapid genetic mutation in the viral genome.

Influenza A virus strains are assigned an H number and an N number based on which forms of these two proteins the strain contains. There are 16 H and 9 N subtypes known in birds, but only H 1, 2 and 3, and N 1 and 2 are commonly found in humans.
As far as I know, there are 144 different combinations that a flu can mutate into. China,Hong Kong,South Korea and Malaysia.

Many countries are doing the screening at the airport,all schools are doing the temperature taking,many shopping centers are providing hand sanitisers to clean their hands. I don't think that it is effective as the symtoms take 7 days to take shape so by the time it has already sperad to many people.

Singapore advised public to take precautionary measures such as avoiding crowded areas and maintaining high standards of personal hygiene at all times. However, if you are unwell with fever and cough but have no travel history to affected areas, please see a doctor and stay at home.

I will follow the government's advice to maintain high standards of personal hygiene and see a doctor if I've a cough or fever.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Kindness is an ongoing act. Kindness is happening everywhere. This is the message from our government. In his 1996 New Year Message, then Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong highlighted the need for Singapore to become a gracious society by the 21st century.

Kindness start from ourselves, we must pass it on to our family members, friends and relatives. Kindness is helping somebody who is in need of help. Is the practice of being or the tendency to be sympathetic and compassionate. Yes, it is important for people to be kind as if you help someone, in the future,when you need help,that person may help you. People can show their kindness by helping others or just helping something (go to http://www.helpothers.org/story.php). One day after school, I took the bus back home, I saw an old lady climbing up the stairs boarding the bus. I decided to offer my seat to the old lady. Unfortunately, a young man sat down on the seat instead of the old lady. Doesn't that make you angry? Well,I was pretty angry and did not want to make a scene as another boy offered his seat to the old lady. With these people around, I think Singapore will take many more years to become a gracious or kind society.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

SA1 Oral Exam

Hi,I am back after the long preparation for SA1. I think Mrs Azhar will be mad at me as I am quite far back in updating my blog. I am going to post about my over due SA1 Oral Exam. I had my oral exam on 22nd April Wednesday. Actually it was supposed to be on Thursday but because of Maths Olympiad, Miss Rahimah had to change the date of our Oral Exam.

That day,after lunch,we lined up in the hall to be tested on oral. At first,I thought the examiner was Mrs Subra but it was Mr Muzaffar. While i was waiting, I did my homework. The picture was a bus stop with students littering, playing soccer and dashing across the road.I remembered to look into the teacher's eyes. The most difficiult part was the picture conservation. Mr Muz asked "Have you ever witnessed a accident?"I replied "No". I think that I did not do well as I mumbled a few words. I think that he was a bit angry with me. Let's hope I do well.

Next was Chinese. I had to wait for my turn be called. Then, the teacher called about ten of us to the corridor of the hall to wait for our turn. (Shawn was in front of me). We were taken to the space beside the spiral staircase which was where we sit and prepare to read the passage and describe the picture. My chinese teacher,Mr Koo,tested me for oral. The passage was difficult as I did not know most of the words. I have to pray that I pass my chinese.

Hope everyone in my class P6.6 strive hard for good result!!!GOOD LUCK!!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

International Friendship Day

Hi Everyone, sorry, I had been posting late for all my posts because of preparation for math olympaid and SA1. Here is my post of International Friendship Day. For this year, the International Friendship Day focussed on friendship within ASEAN. Making friends among the countries of ASEAN is important as they are our closest neighbours.

One of the core historical events which all schools have to commemorate as part of their National Education programme is International Friendship Day.

Officially, the day of commemoration is 21 Sep 97. 21 Sep was chosen this year as International Friendship Day as it marks the day in 1965 when Singapore joined the United Nations as an independent, sovereign nation.

ASEAN stands for Association of South-East Asian Nations which consists of these countries: Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Philippines, Cambodia, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia and Singapore. Its aims include the acceleration of economic growth, social progress, cultural development among its members, the protection of the peace and stability of the region, and to provide opportunities for member countries to discuss differences peacefully.

Actually, I do not know much about ASEAN. I only visited their countries and hear news about them over the news channel.

The school organised an event on that day with an Angklung Ensemble performed a few tunes. I think the school should organised some food fair of Asean countries so that we know more about their culture. No I do not have any friends from the ASEAN countries. The school should invite more children from ASEAN countries to visit the school.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Learning Journey to Singapore Museum

On the 6th April, our class had a excursion to the Signapore National Museum. After taking our lunch,we boarded the school bus and headed to the museum. As soon as we reached the museum,we alighted from the bus and headed to the entrance of the winding staircase (inclined plane). The whole class, including the parents of Darren Chia and Victoria and our form teacher, Mrs Azhar.

This is the first fime I had been to the museum, so I was very excited. The museum was beautifully construted. At the entrance, the museum curator handed us a gizmo called The Companion. The Companion is a multimedia handheld device specially designed to guide you around the Singapore History Gallery. Each Companion comprise of an LCD display, a pair of earphones and a keypad which enables you to enjoy audio, visual and textual content which complement the National Museum's physical collection of artefacts. We were supposed to look at the numbers on the floor in each exhibits and press the number on the Companion so it could give us more information on it. You can read descriptions, listen to expert opinion and watch videos related to these artefacts by simply punching in the zone code you are in (located on the floor), followed by the numbers next to the artefacts.

We started to explore the museum with our new gizmo, starting with the Singapore History Gallary. One of the largest exhibits there was about the fall and rise of Singapore. The Second World War during the Japanese occupation. We spent about one hour there and returned The Companion to the reception.

Then we went to the Singapore Living Galleries - Film & Wayang. They were showing a Malay horror movie there. One of my classmates tried to act like the main character and he acted just like him.

We had a class photo taken before we left the museum. I find that the Singapore Museum is a great museum that remind us of our past and a very informative especially with The Companion. I would like to share this experience with my parents and hope they will bring me back for a revisit.

Here is a picture that I took during the visit. Hope you'll like it.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

healthy eating

Well my neighbour's house is lit up like a christmas tree. We have to eat in order to have the energy to perform our daily tasks and to enjoy the many things in this world.We have to eat vegetables (an edible table).Healthy eating means choosing a variety of foods from the basic food groups: meat and meat substitutes; dairy; fruits and vegetables; grains, such as breads and pasta; and a limited amount of fats and sweets. As simple as this sounds, it’s not always easy to get the nutrition you need. You may eat more of your favorite foods from only one food group, and as a result, get less of other food groups. Or perhaps you opt for convenience over quality when you are hungry.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Earth hour

Earth hour is to turn off the lights for 1 hour from 8.30 to 9.30 at night . It is held the next day (28 of march).I think that earth hour is to tell the world that 1 hour of lights of off can make a difference .Everybody will be turning off the lights for one hour. I think i can fall asleep during earth hour as it will be total darkness when all the lights are off. The earth could be facing some EMP(Electromagnetic pulse)as the sun is reaching solar flares which could potentially short out even the most protected equipment. So sooner or later, when we are doing our work with the blog , the computer could short out. Links are http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0odJKYTzXg8 (never mind the music)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

passion for learning

Let's see,passion for learning is well, wanting to learn. It is about individual wanting to learn without need to be told by parents or teachers. Learning is a life long process. If you have the passion for learning, you will be learning for life. A great-great-grandmother becomes high school's oldest graduate at 97 years old in Richmond High's graduation ceremony (wow!!!)(San Fransisco).
I believe everyone can do well if they have the passion for learning(yay!!!!!). No, I don't think i have a passion for learning(boo-hoo-hoo).

Friday, February 13, 2009

What will i defend

Let's see,what will i defend would be the economics in singapore.As every body knows about the current credit crunch,all over the globe(except for North korea as it is an independent country.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

19/1/09 Tuesday

Today was the same as the days before, Hong Wei was scolded yet again (no offence). This was not so usual for Darren Chia who had vomitted on Gabriel and Arief .Gabriel said that he was okay but in reality ,he was not. During the break he went back home to change (probably, if i were him, i would have done the same). Gabriel said that Arief's bag was flooded with some gooey stuff (i would not say what it is, if not someone reading this post will be puking at their monitor right now).
Update you next time i have to go to the toliet now.......

Friday, January 16, 2009

start school later

Sleep experts say people who get insufficient sleep may appear to function normally,but their brains would not absorb and prosess or make desistions as well as those who have enough sleep.Insufficient can effect a child's physicalRemove Formatting from selection developement. it can also make the victim fat and cranky and lead to medical problems suchs as diabeties.American studies have found that even smart children can score better when school starts later .

We can start school at 8.00am and ends at 1.30pm. But the afternoon session children will go home a bit later at 6.30pm. Hopefully, next time we have a single session school.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

I First Day At School 2009

Noo.. my holidays were gone !!! 2nd Jan 2009 was my first day at school. Glad to see all my friends again. All of us are back to P6.6, very happy to find out that Ms Azhar is our form teacher again. Though I didn't do so well last year, I will try harder this year. Anyway, I have to as this is the last year.....our PSLE. As for my Chinese I am going for P6.3 class by HOD Chinese Mr. Koo. Nothing much I did for last school holidays except more revision by my parents. I think they mean good for me.